Lifestyle News

5 Lifestyle Changes That Can Be Helping Your Narcolepsy

One in 2,000 people have Narcolepsy, a sleep condition. Sadly, only 25% of people with narcolepsy have a diagnosis and are receiving treatment. What is narcolepsy and how might lifestyle change be beneficial? Excessive drowsiness, sleep paralysis, hallucinations, and even moments of cataplexy, or lack of muscular function, are all signs of narcolepsy. The line […]

Lifestyle News

How Does Modafinil Enhance Mental and Emotional Health?

We need to examine the research that has been done on Modafinil to understand how it affects the brain. The Waklert for Brain and Mood Studies contains a variety of studies that explore the effects Modafinil has on mood and mental function. Although this research shows that Modafinil may reduce fatigue, statistical differences between the […]