When it comes to organizing a surprise birthday party, the last-minute preparation is always daunting. This logistical nightmare becomes worse with messed up expenses, lack of time, shortage of supplies, forgotten invitations, and so on. It is very important to plan things properly to avoid these party blunders. We all get excited about our boyfriend’s birthday but we need to keep our calm and stay away from any sort of error.
Preparing at the eleventh hour always calls for hassles and trouble. It is best to keep things ready beforehand. You can place an order for the cake, pick the gifts, go for online flowers delivery in mumbai or the city you live in, get the decoration material, etc. In case you are among those partners who suck at planning parties and get everything done at the last minute, here are some preparation ideas and tips that would save your day on your boyfriend’s birthday:
- Call for Help
Inform your friends what you are up to and ask them to help you out. Make sure you don’t end up calling too many people. Rely on the ones who are responsible and trustworthy. You need efficient people who can get maximum things done in very little time. After the party turns out to be a success, you can treat them at a pizzeria or buy flowers online to thank for their support.
- Take Charge
You have to take things in your hands to get them done. Be the leader and supervise everyone into doing everything properly. Make sure that too many people are not involved in a single work. Divide and assign specific to-dos to all your friends. Also, instruct them well so that your ideas are executed the way you want. Assigning tasks like decorations, food, venue, activities, music, cake, and so on to different sets of friends. All this is very important as you don’t want everyone to come up with their ideas as that would just waste time and the party would then be a flop.
- Have Enough Food
Every party is incomplete without food and beverages. Make sure you have enough drinks, chips, nachos, etc. as they bring life to the party. It is always good to have more than enough and some extra food items as some people may show up unexpectedly. Remember, if you fall short on things to eat, your reputation might be at stake. You don’t have to spend a lot on expensive stuff, just keep it simple but ample.

- Don’t Go Overboard with the Decor
Last-minute preparation almost always puts us into a frenzy mode. You need to cool down and make sure you don’t end up overly decorating the place. Simplicity is the key. Just put on some balloons, order a flower bouquet online & online cake delivery in bangalore, get some candles and that would be decent enough. Don’t worry too much about the decoration and instead, focus more on the food, surprises, and gifts. Turn on his favorite music to make things even more special. Stay away from extravagant themes and party ideas as they would take up a lot of time. The key is to be creative and opt for a thoughtful minimalist theme. This would also leave less room for errors and blow-ups.
- Keep a Check on Expense
It is better to create one fund source and not make payments from different sources by different people at different times. By using a single fund for making the expenses you would get complete accountability and track of every penny that is spent for the party.
Besides all this, you need to have a clear mind at all times. Be precise on what exactly you want and don’t juggle with many options. The more you would think the lesser time you would have for the actual preparation. Strive for exclusivity and not variety. Keep a vehicle always at your disposal for speeding up the process. Having a bike or car will make things faster as you’d have to run around a lot to get things done. Visit the nearest stores as that would be the easiest way to stock up on the supplies. In case you cannot find good decoration materials, you can always opt for same-day flower delivery to get pretty floral arrangements within hours.